Happy to be of service!

Ethical guidelines and sustainability

Our ethical guidelines must ensure that everyone acting on behalf of Kynningsrud carries out their activities in an ethically sound manner and in line with our values ​​and principles for business practices and personal behaviour. Sustainability is important to us, our ambition is to run the business in such a way that it can be maintained over time, without costing human life or harming the environment. For us, it’s about the environment, social conditions and the way we run the company.

Fair competition

Kynningsrud strives for a high business ethical standard and follows the framework set by the competition rules in the markets where Kynningsrud's companies operate. This applies in relation to competitors as well as to customers and suppliers.

Business practices

Kynningsrud must be known as a reliable company that delivers quality, and our customers and partners must have confidence in us and our employees.
Kynningsrud and its employees undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. We must live up to a high ethical standard and take active social responsibility in our activities. The employees must conform to the rules and guidelines established by the customer for the individual assignment. Kynningsrud will strive to ensure that subcontractors of goods and services to the company adhere to a correspondingly high ethical standard. Kynningsrud's business culture is characterized by the company's values ​​of honesty, loyalty and enthusiasm.

Gifts and hospitality

Kynningsrud does not accept the offer or receipt of business benefits – gifts, hospitality, expenses or benefits – that may constitute undue influence. Business favors can only be received or offered if they are modest, both in terms of value and frequency, and if the time and place are appropriate.

If it is clearly business-related, the employee can attend social gatherings, receive catering or entertainment, provided that the cost is within reasonable limits.

Gifts or hospitality must never influence business decisions, and not entail obligations for the employee or Kynningsrud.


Kynningsrud is obliged to protect confidential information to which the company has access and not to misuse this information. Be it information belonging to the company or business partners. Such confidential information may include information regarding security, individuals, commercial, technical or contractual matters or other types of information protected by law. The duty of confidentiality does not only apply externally, but also to colleagues who do not need the relevant information in their work. The duty of confidentiality also applies after the employment relationship, or other contractual relationship with Kynningsrud, has ended.

Conflicts of interest

Kynningsrud is obliged to protect confidential information the company has access to and not to misuse this information. Be it information belonging to the company or business partners. Such confidential information may include information regarding security, individuals, commercial, technical or contractual matters or other types of information protected by law. The duty of confidentiality does not only apply externally, but also to colleagues who do not need the relevant information in their work. The duty of confidentiality also applies after the employment relationship, or other contractual relationship with Kynningsrud, has ended.

Purchase of sexual services

Kynningsrud is against the purchase of sexual services. The employee must refrain from purchasing sexual services when the person in question is at work or on a business trip for Kynningsrud.


Kynningsrud is a drug-free workplace. No one shall drink or be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while working for Kynningsrud.

Limited amounts of alcohol may still be served when local custom and special occasions make this appropriate, provided that the consumption is not combined with the operation of machinery, driving or other activities that are not compatible with the use of alcohol. Kynningsrud has its own drug and gambling policy.


Kynningsrud has a notification policy that specifies how employees and other affected parties have the right to notify about objectionable conditions in the business without breaching any duty of loyalty in the employment contract and without the person concerned having to suffer possible labor law measures or other negative consequences. Matters worthy of criticism can thus be reported anonymously.

The purpose of such a policy is to provide clear guidelines for when and how objectionable circumstances can be reported in Kynningsrud in situations where it is not relevant to use the ordinary scheme for reporting incidents. All disclosures of serious objectionable matters must be handled in a fair and correct manner.

The policy has been developed based on current legislation (AML. ch. 2A )

Consequences of breach

Violation of Kynningsrud's ethical guidelines will not be tolerated. Breaches of the guidelines may result in disciplinary measures, dismissal/dismissal and reporting to public authorities.

Our coworkers

In Kynningsrud, every single employee should feel important, and enjoy their work tasks in an inclusive work environment. A visible and clear HSE leadership, combined with committed employees, is a prerequisite for creating a safe and pleasant workplace.

We must safeguard employee rights through cooperation with trade unions, employers' organisations, supply chains and public authorities.


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